Does anyone (that means the two of you who are still reading this after finding me from a link on the LakersBlog) know if these are good or not? My prize for this round was a Parrot Hands-Free Speakerphone that I will may use, give away or sell. As an aside, I still have no idea why those states retain such archaic and pointless laws - are the filling station employees' lobbies that powerful in those particular regions? The final question was another fastball right over the heart of the plate: In 1990, what 42-1 longshot beat *at this point I chimed in* Mike Tyson for the heavweight championship? Other than baseball, I know more about boxing than any other sport, so I appreciate the trivia gods for hooking me up. Most people seemed impressed that I knew so readily that the only two states in the Union that outlaw self-service gas pumps are Oregon and New Jersey, but when you've been to both, the annoyance of long full-service pump waits are not easily forgotten. After that, I went on an answering spree that dashed the title hopes of my opponent Robert.
I had no clue that the Black Rock Desert was in Nevada or that Hello, I Must Be Going was Groucho Marx's theme song (however, I do know that it was the title of the last Phil Collins solo album that I could tolerate). My Round 2 match in the Tournament of Champions went about the same as the 1st, although the start was a little shaky.